Kathleen Collins: Politicizing Islam in Central Asia

Kathleen Collins: Politicizing Islam in Central Asia

Islam in Central Asia has its own history of development and struggles that shaped it into what we witness today. The atheism of the Soviet era and the secular yet traditionalised post-soviet regimes of Central Asia brought, however, a new mobilisation to the religious and politicised Islamic movements in the countries of the region.

Kathleen Collins is an Associate Professor of Political Science and an Affiliate Faculty of Islamic Studies at the University of Minnesota. Her primary scope covers Central Asian politics, Russian and Soviet history and politics, Afghanistan’s wars, political Islam, Islam and democracy, and religion and politics.

Collins’s previous book, Clan Politics and Regime Transition in Central Asia (2006), was rewarded as the best book in social science by the International Central Eurasian Studies Society. In her new book Politicizing Islam in Central Asia From the Russian Revolution to the Afghan and Syrian Jihads, the author provides an extensive overlook of the Islamist movements in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by first examining the politicisation of Islam as such during the Soviet era, which gave ground to the mobilisation of the Islam and emergence of Islamism in the region.

The research is based on a strong source basis and a wide range of oral histories, interviews with religious leaders, Islamist movement activists and regular citizens of the examined states, providing a comprehensive understanding of the region and the roots of its issues. The book analyses the Islamist movements and parties in the studied countries by focusing on their specificities which gives a good overview of the issue within the broader region of Central Asia. 

Sándor Seremet - The author is a researcher at Eurasia Center

Kathleen Collins: Politicizing Islam in Central Asia: From the Russian Revolution to the Afghan and Syrian Jihads
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: 2023
ISBN: 9780197685068
Pages: 584

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